Friday, February 24, 2006


And The Treasurer Says...

"Costello Lays Down The Law To Muslims"

MUSLIMS who did not accept that Australian law stood above religious law should not become Australian citizens, Treasurer Peter Costello said last night.

In a strongly worded speech to the Sydney Institute, Mr Costello rebuffed clerics who argued Islamic law was more important than Australian law and said citizenship brought responsibilities including tolerance.

In the same way that Muslims expected people to remove their shoes before entering mosques, Australians should expect that people wanting to be citizens should first accept Australian values and Australian law, he said.

"If you have strong objections to those values, don't come to Australia," he said.

"If someone cannot honestly make the citizenship pledge, they cannot honestly take out (Australian) citizenship."

His speech follows tensions between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Sydney, which erupted into riots in the beachside suburb of Cronulla south of Sydney last December.

The Treasurer criticised Australian Muslim cleric Ben Brika over an interview last year in which he said conflict between Islamic law and Australian law was "a big problem".

"No, this is not a big problem," Mr Costello said. "There is one law we are all expected to abide by . . . enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution.

"If you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for."

Mr Costello said Australia was a secular nation which protected religious freedom.

It had no separate stream of law derived from religious sources that competed with or supplanted Australian law.

"A person who does not acknowledge the supremacy of civil law laid down by democratic processes cannot truthfully take the pledge of allegiance," he said.

He said dual citizens unable to accept Australian law should be stripped of their Australian citizenship and that people born in Australia and unwilling to accept its laws needed to be made to understand the responsibilities of citizenship.

Mr Costello also warned against second-generation immigrants being trapped in a "twilight zone" in which they lost the values of their parents but also failed to fully embrace Australian culture.

"To deal with this we must clearly state the values of Australia and explain how we expect them to be respected," he said.

Australia, he said, had a robust tolerance of difference which could only be maintained within an agreed framework that protected individual rights.

And while he disliked art that offended people's religious values, he thought artists should be able to practise their "offensive taste" without fear of riots.

Muslims did not like graphic representations of their prophet but had to recognise that their view did not justify violence against newspapers that published such depictions, Mr Costello said.

Article and pretty picture here:,5936,18252556%255E953,00.html


All I can say is, it's about time a politician said this. As Australians, we love our country. Yes, we are a diverse community of different cultures. But to say that Islamic law is more important than Australian law? I DON'T THINK SO! If you want to live by Islamic law, go back to an Islamic country. Costello's comments are spot on. I don't mind people coming here, so long as they at least make an effort to live by our laws. Why should we allow people to become Australian Citizens if they refuse to respect our culture and the way we do things? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that people from other countries can celebrate their culture. I frequent a new café that's run by Lebanese people. They are wonderful people and in my area they get a lot of business. (Down the road there's an English school for Migrants that has a lot of students of middle-eastern descent.)

But my general point here is, if you come to this country from any other country, be it an Islamic based one or otherwise, whether you came here because you were being oppressed in your country... If you came here to escape all that, then DO so. Don't try and make OUR country like yours. And if you don't like it here, here's a hint, you don't have to stay. LOVE IT or LEAVE IT. Would you like a short, point form version?

1: People have a right to embrace their culture.
2: I don't wish anyone to forget where they came from. I was born here, but my parents are European. I recognise that's where my cultural heritage is.
3: People who migrate from somewhere else should keep ties to their culture.
4: (And here's the harsh one) LOVE IT or LEAVE IT. Plain and simple, if you don't like our culture and can't embrace it.... FUCK OFF! We don't want you here. You would expect the same for us if we came to your country, so don't expect us to make exceptions for you.
5: And as Costello says... If you can't abide by our customs and laws, don't even think of applying for citizenship.

Don't like what I said? Hey, guess what... TOUGH TITTIES! :P

Monday, February 20, 2006


Absolutely Fucking Despicable.

My housemate just told me about the following story:

Innocent Lives Stolen

For those of you too lazy to read the article: A group of 13 teenagers waiting for a taxi on their way home from a party were struck by a car that had veered onto the wrong side of the road. 5 were killed instantly, and one later died in hospital. The 34 year old driver of the car, FLED, leaving his 2 children, aged 10 and 4 in the car. He has since been arrested and is now awaiting trial on counts of culpable driving causing death, negligently causing serious injury, failing to stop at the scene of an accident, and failing to render assistance.

At the moment I'm not 100% certain if the car skidded accidentally or as a result of alcohol/drugs/crappy driving, but what I *AM* certain of is this: if you are in an accident like that, and you flee the scene, you're a scumbag. You are lower than scum if you flee and leave your OWN young children in the back of your car. REGARDLESS of whether you are scared of being attacked or not (as the driver claims), you get out and help anyone you can. If you're like most people who own a mobile phone, you call for help, or ask someone to do so. What you definitely DON'T do, is run like a fucking chickenshit. Regardless of whose fault the accident is. You worry about the repercussions later, and help whoever needs it. To do anything else, such as fleeing the scene, or not helping, is INHUMAN, despicable, and completely unacceptable.

I guess one would say that it's punishment enough that he has it on his conscience for the rest of his life. One of the surviving teenagers feels sorry for him, and that I can understand. It won't be easy for him living with just the accident on his conscience. But for leaving the scene and leaving your own kids behind? Throw the book at him. Lock him up and throw away the key. I could suggest worse, but thanks to our bleeding-heart justice system, worse won't happen. Whatever could be done won't bring six lives back, but in some cases, the punishment should fit the crime.

The driver's actions are one of the reasons I don't have any faith in the human race anymore.

Rantingly yours,


Dougie Loves Bread!

Dougie over at Loganlife dropped round yesterday. Dougie is a funny guy, and one thing about Dougie, is that he loves bread. In fact, I'm sure he'd be perfectly happy to eat bread for every meal. So while he was over yesterday, he asked if he could have some bread. And seeing as this blog has been lacking in entries letely, I decided to document the event in photo form, much to everyone's delight.. lol.

Here's Dougie buttering his bread in his "Logan Housewife" pose:

And here's a couple of shots of Dougie enjoying his snack:

It was so enjoyable, he had another 2 slices!

Fret not, dear readers, there will be some cloud shots forthcoming!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Fantastic "Pasta Pronto" Alfredo Sauce

In the absence of weather, we here at The Frostilicus Perspective have resorted to what prompted me to start this blog to begin with: Food Reviews!

I was tempted to do one of those Wokka things that was egg noodles and thai peanut satay sauce, but after the last "Pasta In A Box" meal was akin to radioactive goop, and tasting just as bad, I picked an instant pasta in a cup. And what's more, it says "99% Fat Free" on the packaging, which could mean anything, really.

This one comes as little pasta swirls in a foam cup, with a sachet of off-white looking powder. Thankfully, it's neither anthrax nor some other biological warfare agent, but as the packaging describes, a combination of whey powder, cheese powder, blah blah and a whole bunch of flavourings. It also comes with a fork that you slot together.

Usual deal, put water in, wait 3 minutes, stir, dig in.

After waiting the 3 minutes, I was presented with this:

The taste? It was edible enough for a quickie meal. I couldn't eat it every day, though. But for under $1.50, it'll do in a pinch.

Giving it 3 chomps out of 5.

Interesting Stuff

You'll have to forgive the lack of posts lately. The weather has been severely lacking in the storms department. It's been threatening to rain a lot, but there haven't been any interesting cloud formations to photograph either. Just lots of grey sky, which is, well, kinda boring. This morning I found this article linked on, which I found interesting, due to the fact that a lot of the time, some people can't understand when I am being sarcastic in an IM conversation, unless I use that little sarcasti-smiley ":P", hehe. Someone in the comments on Digg said that keyboards need a sarcasm button, if there was a sarcasm button on my keyboard, it would be worn out within a week, I'm sure!

Anyhoo, for those of you who are forever running out of mobile phone credit, and need to send an sms, check out Intazar, they offer 30 free sms messages per day, and so far there doesn't seem to be a catch. (Only works in Australia)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Free Games!

Found this site on last night, and thought I'd share it with my (currently minimal) audience...

Open Source Windows Games

These games are all made using Open Source code, so guess what that means? It means they are free to download! Full games! FOR FREE! There is a nice graphical version of NetHack, a cute Super Mario clone, and a nice port of Tux Racer from Linux. And many more! So check it out.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Super Mario Bros Soundboard

Here's a link that I found on that I thought was cool, if not very geeky:

Super Mario Bros Synth Soundboard

Click the cheesy 8 bit graphics to play sounds, and the pictures on the left for music.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Flash Stuff

Bungie Jumper Perils

Paper Planes

Interactive Buddy (recommended, use the drop down menus for new weapons..hehehe and u can buy more!)

Poke The Penguin

A version of Numa-Numa (Also known as Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone)