Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Government WIMPS.

The Government in this country is supposed to do what is in OUR best interests, as citizens of this country we call Australia.

Then tell me WHY the Government does NOT do what it should be doing and taking steps to DEPORT Sheikh Taj El-Din Hilali. This man has repeatedly stated things that have got him in hot water. Recently he has called on his followers to be supportive of Iran and it's "tough stance". Erm, might I just say that if Iran has nukes and they get attacked, they most likely WILL retaliate, and who knows WHERE... we would all be under threat.

This man is an EMBARASSMENT to his religion, an EMBARASSMENT to his countrymen, and an EMBARASSMENT to this country (owing to the fact that he is still permitted to live here.) When is this Government going to WAKE UP and see that they should deport this man? And don't tell me that "asking" him to think about his future here is just the same. But apparnetly, he has done nothing to warrant deportation. Oh, sorry, but I didn't think it was PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to attack our way of lifem by saying that Australian women invite rape by not wearing Islamic Hijab.... sorry buddy, but I live in Queensland where 99% of the year is humid as FUCK... I ain't wearing no goddamn Hijab for no c*nt. And, also stating that Muslims have more of a right to live in this country than we do as they paid their fare here and most Australians are descended from convicts.. I'm sorry, but *I* am descended from the French, and my parents migrated here in the 1960's. Granted I was born here, and have lived all of my life in this country, but I will *NOT* be told by some non-English speaking immigrant FUCKWIT that Australians don't have the right to be here.

I am NOT against freedom of speech, but there is a point where it goes TOO FAR. Say what you like, but when it comes to attacking the freedoms that we enjoy in this country, as opposed to a country that tortures its citizens, does not have equal rights for women and a myriad of other problems, I for one, will gladly take offence.

If you have a PROBLEM with the way we do things here, FEEL FREE TO LEAVE. There is a door in every state, FEEL FREE to WALK the fuck through it, and never come back. You would say the same to us in whatever country you come from.

And as for Hilali, he has OUTSTAYED his welcome. Seeing as his people are embarassed by him, and how whenever he opens his mouth there appears to be outrage....it is time for him to LEAVE. Whether he leaves freely of his own will, or he is deported, it is time for him to LEAVE.

Hey, GOVERNMENT. Time for you to DO YOUR JOB instead of being so bloody PASSIVE. Get OFF your WIMP asses and KICK THIS BASTARD out of *OUR* country. You have said he should leave more than TWICE already. Time to do something and DEPORT him.


Monday, April 09, 2007


Monday Art Post

"Abstract Stairs" - Pastel and Charcoal on paper

"Cellular" - Conté on paper

"Chainsaw" - Pastel, Charcoal, Conté on paper

"Colour Field" = Pastel, Charcoal, Conté on paper

"Dog" - Charcoal and Pastel on paper

"Eyes" - Charcoal and Pastel On paper

"Lines and Boxes" - Charcoal and Conté on paper

And here's a link I found on Digg.com, artwork using coffee as a medium...

Just Coffee Art

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Dead Guy Art Post 3

"Abstract Yellow" - Acrylic, Impasto on Canvas

"Overlaid Yellow" - Acrylic, Impasto on Canvas

"Shavings 1" - Acrylic, Impasto, Wood Shavings on Canvas

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Dead Guy Art Post 2

"Food For Thought" - Chracoal and Pastel on Paper

"Sunlight Abstraction" - Oil Pastel on Paper

"Playground" - Pastel and Charcoal on Paper

Dead Guy Art Post 1

"Flying Ball On Table" - Charcoal, Conté and engraving on Paper

"Rocks And Sky" - Acrylic, Conté and Charcoal on Canvas

"Line Pattern for P" - Charcoal on Paper

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Thursday Art and A PSA from the French

Colour Pastel Squiggles - Pastels on Paper

Colour Squiggles 2 - Charcoal and Pastel on Paper

Squiggle Test - Conté crayon on Paper

And now a PSA from the French. I found this image linked on Digg.com which is a French ad warning against the dangers of AIDS and other STD's...

Creepy, yet effective and somewhat classy. I'd MUCH rather see some hot chick have her pink bits salivated over by a giant tarantula than a skanky "diseased body parts" picture.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Tuesday Art Post

"Abstract 6" - Charcoal on Paper

"Comet" - Charcoal on Paper

"Ghost 'n Fangs" - Charcoal and Pastel on Paper

"Hangover" - Charcoal on Paper

"Squiggles on Colour" - Charcoal and Oil Pastel on Paper

"Triangles #1" - Charcoal and Pastel on Paper

(Am going to try and experiment with different types of media soon... so will keep you lot posted :P)