Thursday, April 30, 2009


when does the flu have the flu?

... so i'm calmly listening to rammstein (if you can call till lindemann's dulcet tones growling about.... dont want to know, trust me...) on the train this morning, and i happen to glance over at the person sitting across the aisle from me, who is reading a copy of today's courier mail (brisbane newspaper). and on the front page is the dramatic headline.... "DEFENCELESS!" and this picture that was so grainy it could have been made from individual grains as far as i'm aware... of whatever we were DEFENCELESS against. looks like a medical thing to me... and then i read a smaller printed headline mentioning something about swine flu.

so i'm all....hmm...will have to read that when i get to work (we get the papers at work every day) .... and i continue letting angry german guitar riffs shred my ears....

so anyhoo....i get to work and have a look at this article after saying "where's the paper.....apparently there's a swine flu coming to kill us..." and then i'm skimming the article and going "cool... bacon is going to be our flu lord!" and trust me i was thinking things about sour cream that u probably wouldn't repeat in polite company... but anyway...

where was i? oh yes....swine flu.

remember that bird flu thing a couple of years back? and that other thing... has the same name as that horrible tasting soft drink i've never really liked.... SARS.... that's the one.... apparently if you got that one you just up and died in like hours. or something. or was that bird flu... or did bird flu turn humans into chickens and make them lay eggs and nest... gee...i really don't remember..

they must be bored for news...i saw a paper mention osama bin laden today. OBL hasn't been mentioned in a while, let's chuck him in for a laugh and see if anyone notices.. shall we speculate as to his living he alive or dead....he looked a bit sick....oh but wait no one's seen him in over 5 years at least and the same video seems to be popping up time and time again conveniently after some thing thats named a terrorist attack... does anyone actually still care?

so when does the flu have the flu? when you're giving your kids too much money for the tuck shop/canteen at school and they're not getting enough exercise.

make sense?



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