The Desk Fan
So I bought a cool little desk fan thing that I thought would be good for my desk, being that the last 2 days has been stinking hot (to say the least). Actually I was at The Warehouse looking for something else, and the first thing you see as you go in the door are all the fans and cooling shit. I spotted this cute as a button 10cm desk fan. I thought it would be perfect for my desk... I could put it on top of my hutch and it would cool my face forever and ever, blah blah blah.
So I bought the little only cost me $12.99. Got it home, plugged it in on my desk... to find that it caused interference with my monitor. (makes it go all wavy and shit) So I think to myself... maybe when I put it on the hutch it would be better. Well today I cleared some space on my hutch (which is covered in dust and lego and stuff) and after much fucking around and a lot of nasty words, I couldn't get the cord past the desk behind my hutch. The desk isn't RIGHT up against the wall, there's about a 1 or so inch gap. Well, said gap isn't wide enough to let a power cord through. I had bought an extension cord today, just in case I needed it.
Well, I rigged up said extension cord, having already thrown one of my torches and apparently killed it (it no longer turns on) in a fit of rage. The next thing I know, the fan itself falls off the hutch, and hits my keyboard. And in doing so, breaks the right leg of my keyboard. The BRAND NEW keyboard that I've had less than a month.
At that point, I was just super pissed and upset and burst into tears. My last FOUR keyboards I have broken legs off. My last four keyboards, have been Microsoft Natural Keyboards. I love these keyboards, they are comfortable once you get used to them, and for the most part, i'm touch typing while using one. My only problem is, I keep breaking the bloody legs, which leads to me needing to rig up make-shift legs through various means. My last keyboard ended up having 2 odd legs from 2 different other keyboards that weren't microsoft keyboards. And even then, I had to alter the legs so they would fit. This time I ripped one of the odd legs off the last keyboard (which is still useable, it just needs cleaning) and put it on, only to find that it made the keyboard uneven.
So, gaffer tape to the rescue!! I cut up some strips of gaffer tape and wound them into a 1 inch-ish wide chunk, that's just about or over half a centimetre thick. I have stuck this under the leg that needed propping up. So now my typing surface is stable.... until I can find a better solution. :(
Frankly, I've had a c**t of a day, it's been hot as fuck, I'm sweaty and tired and I'd much rather just flop out on one of those sunlounge dealies with a tropical drink or twenty and just be fanned by half nekkid Norwegian chicks... (or something)
Anyway, here's my cute little fan... It's virtually just eye candy seeing as where it is it barely reaches me. :(
So I bought the little only cost me $12.99. Got it home, plugged it in on my desk... to find that it caused interference with my monitor. (makes it go all wavy and shit) So I think to myself... maybe when I put it on the hutch it would be better. Well today I cleared some space on my hutch (which is covered in dust and lego and stuff) and after much fucking around and a lot of nasty words, I couldn't get the cord past the desk behind my hutch. The desk isn't RIGHT up against the wall, there's about a 1 or so inch gap. Well, said gap isn't wide enough to let a power cord through. I had bought an extension cord today, just in case I needed it.
Well, I rigged up said extension cord, having already thrown one of my torches and apparently killed it (it no longer turns on) in a fit of rage. The next thing I know, the fan itself falls off the hutch, and hits my keyboard. And in doing so, breaks the right leg of my keyboard. The BRAND NEW keyboard that I've had less than a month.
At that point, I was just super pissed and upset and burst into tears. My last FOUR keyboards I have broken legs off. My last four keyboards, have been Microsoft Natural Keyboards. I love these keyboards, they are comfortable once you get used to them, and for the most part, i'm touch typing while using one. My only problem is, I keep breaking the bloody legs, which leads to me needing to rig up make-shift legs through various means. My last keyboard ended up having 2 odd legs from 2 different other keyboards that weren't microsoft keyboards. And even then, I had to alter the legs so they would fit. This time I ripped one of the odd legs off the last keyboard (which is still useable, it just needs cleaning) and put it on, only to find that it made the keyboard uneven.
So, gaffer tape to the rescue!! I cut up some strips of gaffer tape and wound them into a 1 inch-ish wide chunk, that's just about or over half a centimetre thick. I have stuck this under the leg that needed propping up. So now my typing surface is stable.... until I can find a better solution. :(
Frankly, I've had a c**t of a day, it's been hot as fuck, I'm sweaty and tired and I'd much rather just flop out on one of those sunlounge dealies with a tropical drink or twenty and just be fanned by half nekkid Norwegian chicks... (or something)
Anyway, here's my cute little fan... It's virtually just eye candy seeing as where it is it barely reaches me. :(

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