Belated Beginning Of April Post
Uhm, yeah, Happy April Fool's and all that shit. :P Anyhoo, I've got some cloud pr0n to post...

This is the fog that was in my area on April Fool's day, at about... 6:30am. Or maybe it was earlier, I didn't really bother to make a note of the time.
And these are the clouds that were all pink and fluffy last night after sunset...

Don't y'all get sticky keyboards, now! :P *grin*

This is the fog that was in my area on April Fool's day, at about... 6:30am. Or maybe it was earlier, I didn't really bother to make a note of the time.
And these are the clouds that were all pink and fluffy last night after sunset...

Don't y'all get sticky keyboards, now! :P *grin*
Sticky keyboard? Mine is already sticky!
Damn chilli sauce...
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