KISS ME, I'm Irish! (Or St Patrick's Day, Frostilicus Style)
Ah, being St Patrick's Day today, I went to McCawley's Irish Pub down the road from me. I thought it fitting to have at least one pint of Guinness to celebrate the day, even though I'm not Irish. I've lived near this pub for 3 years and have never even set foot inside it. But anyway, I decided to today. Today's pictures are via phonecam, so the quality isn't that great, apologies in advance!
They have some interesting decoration on the cieling of the pub, one section is like a map of the world...

I originally went down there for 1, maybe 2 pints, then the idea was to do some shopping then come home. Here's the first pint:

And the end of pint #1:

After that I decided another pint was in order, and by then I'd been given my little voucher, and if I collected 4 of them, I'd get a Guinness visor for free. Not too shabby, I thought! My second pint had a dash of food colouring added to it, so the head of said pint was swirly and green:

The food colouring spilled over onto my fingers, too lol:

Which was kind of more noticeable as the glass got emptier...

By the end of pint #2, I decided to have some lunch, so I ventured over to the restaurant counter to see what was on offer. Alas, I didn't go with something traditional and Irish, due to the price, so I had a reasonably priced hamburger and chips (If memory serves it was $6.95, which isn't totally cheap, but not horribly expensive either)...which was nice and edible:

And I also had my third pint of Guinness while I ate lunch, I actually ordered the pint before my burger rocked up, which was Ok, because I was also sms'ing a friend at the same time ;).

By the time I was halfway through the pint, my burger showed up. After that I had pint #4 and got my trippy cool visor!

And because I was answering txt msgs left, right and centre, I forgot to snap a pic of pint #5, but I snapped pint #6, which was my final one before leaving...

And then on my way home through the shops, I snapped this pic of

Hehehehe... ;)
Anyhoo, it was a good outing, and I shall have to visit McCawley's again soon!
For more information on Guinness and it's origins, check out the Guinness Wikipedia Page.
Irishly yours,
They have some interesting decoration on the cieling of the pub, one section is like a map of the world...

I originally went down there for 1, maybe 2 pints, then the idea was to do some shopping then come home. Here's the first pint:

And the end of pint #1:

After that I decided another pint was in order, and by then I'd been given my little voucher, and if I collected 4 of them, I'd get a Guinness visor for free. Not too shabby, I thought! My second pint had a dash of food colouring added to it, so the head of said pint was swirly and green:

The food colouring spilled over onto my fingers, too lol:

Which was kind of more noticeable as the glass got emptier...

By the end of pint #2, I decided to have some lunch, so I ventured over to the restaurant counter to see what was on offer. Alas, I didn't go with something traditional and Irish, due to the price, so I had a reasonably priced hamburger and chips (If memory serves it was $6.95, which isn't totally cheap, but not horribly expensive either)...which was nice and edible:

And I also had my third pint of Guinness while I ate lunch, I actually ordered the pint before my burger rocked up, which was Ok, because I was also sms'ing a friend at the same time ;).

By the time I was halfway through the pint, my burger showed up. After that I had pint #4 and got my trippy cool visor!

And because I was answering txt msgs left, right and centre, I forgot to snap a pic of pint #5, but I snapped pint #6, which was my final one before leaving...

And then on my way home through the shops, I snapped this pic of

Hehehehe... ;)
Anyhoo, it was a good outing, and I shall have to visit McCawley's again soon!
For more information on Guinness and it's origins, check out the Guinness Wikipedia Page.
Irishly yours,
I SHALL obtain and consume that one day. One day soon I say!
*Pokes Teh Visor*
O the shamrocks of it all...
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