Incompetent Retail Staff, Oh How I LOATHE Thee...
Today I went to my local K-mart to pick up a couple of things. I went to the counter with my purchases, and the sales girl toddled off to get them. She looked to be all of about 17, and I'm pretty much convinced that it's probably her first McJob, and she hasn't been at it long. She looked to be one of those super-bored tryhard "Goth" types anyway. Or quite possibly Emo. Anyhoo, I was buying Quake 4, and luckily on the shelf they had the CD-Rom and DVD editions of the game. Unlike when I purchased F.E.A.R., which came as a 5, count them: FIVE disc CD set. So, Frostilicus grabs the DVD edition box and heads off to the counter.
Well, little miss McJob pulls out the CD-Rom edition and I said, "is that the CD or DVD version?" and the other sales assistant picks it up, looks at it and says "CD-Rom", to which I say "well I would like the DVD version, as it's the one I picked off the shelf." So little miss McJob apologises and toddles off to get the DVD version. I was also buying a DVD (The Dismissal, about the 1975 sacking of Australia's Whitlam Government), and as she's ringing up my purchases on the cash register (like 5-7 minutes later), I picked up the DVD cover and pulled it out of it's sleeve, to find that there's no discs in the jewel case. I wave it in front of her, like "You forgot this one, you shithead!" and she apologises again and toddles off to get them. She comes back with the discs, only to discover that the case is a 1-disc case, not a 2-disc case. Another apology, she goes off to find a 2-disc case, which takes about another FIVE minutes, because apparently, they aren't smart enough to have a few spare 2-disc cases on hand in case there's a fuck up and they need to grab one on short notice. Meanwhile, she's put the discs label side UP on the counter, which is one of the most stupidly incompetent things you can do in a SOUND AND VISION department... you would think the employees would know that discs scratch easily and put them label side DOWN. But no... I guess that's a little too much to ask. By now I'm shaking my head profusely and thinking "what a bunch of absolute FUCKWITS", and it crosses my mind to write a letter to the "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down" section of the local rag giving them a big fat THUMBS DOWN cuz they really suck at their job.
Anyway, I she finally rings up everything on the register, and has to ask ME if she put the DVD through. I say yes, she did, not really caring whether she did or didn't, rather just wanting to get out of that department before I strangle her.
I decide to get myself a coffee and a donut, so I head to Donut King for their Cappucino and 2 free donut deal. And just my luck, I end up with the fucking TRAINEE sales person, complete with a little yellow badge with an "L" on it, which reminds me of that Swamp comic (or whatever it's called) with the duck flying school...Ding Duck and his ever-present "L" on his chest cuz he just can't pass flight school... Anyway, I ask for a regular Cappucino and 2 donuts... which is $3.70 according to their display board. I hand over $3.70 and get 50 cents back. Now I'm going to blame both the trainee and the Donut King people for this. Their board clearly says "small = $3.20", "regular = $3.70". The other day when I ordered a regular Cappucino, I got one in a large mug, which was correct, oh and by the way, I was served by someone who HAD been working there more than 5 minutes. Someone obviously hadn't told lil miss Trainee McJobber the difference between "small" and "regular". On top of getting a "small" Cappucino, lil miss Trainee McJobber obviously hasn't had to make that many Cappucinos, because she overfilled it and a lot of it ended up in the saucer while I was moving it from the service counter to the table I sat at.
Well, little miss McJob pulls out the CD-Rom edition and I said, "is that the CD or DVD version?" and the other sales assistant picks it up, looks at it and says "CD-Rom", to which I say "well I would like the DVD version, as it's the one I picked off the shelf." So little miss McJob apologises and toddles off to get the DVD version. I was also buying a DVD (The Dismissal, about the 1975 sacking of Australia's Whitlam Government), and as she's ringing up my purchases on the cash register (like 5-7 minutes later), I picked up the DVD cover and pulled it out of it's sleeve, to find that there's no discs in the jewel case. I wave it in front of her, like "You forgot this one, you shithead!" and she apologises again and toddles off to get them. She comes back with the discs, only to discover that the case is a 1-disc case, not a 2-disc case. Another apology, she goes off to find a 2-disc case, which takes about another FIVE minutes, because apparently, they aren't smart enough to have a few spare 2-disc cases on hand in case there's a fuck up and they need to grab one on short notice. Meanwhile, she's put the discs label side UP on the counter, which is one of the most stupidly incompetent things you can do in a SOUND AND VISION department... you would think the employees would know that discs scratch easily and put them label side DOWN. But no... I guess that's a little too much to ask. By now I'm shaking my head profusely and thinking "what a bunch of absolute FUCKWITS", and it crosses my mind to write a letter to the "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down" section of the local rag giving them a big fat THUMBS DOWN cuz they really suck at their job.
Anyway, I she finally rings up everything on the register, and has to ask ME if she put the DVD through. I say yes, she did, not really caring whether she did or didn't, rather just wanting to get out of that department before I strangle her.
I decide to get myself a coffee and a donut, so I head to Donut King for their Cappucino and 2 free donut deal. And just my luck, I end up with the fucking TRAINEE sales person, complete with a little yellow badge with an "L" on it, which reminds me of that Swamp comic (or whatever it's called) with the duck flying school...Ding Duck and his ever-present "L" on his chest cuz he just can't pass flight school... Anyway, I ask for a regular Cappucino and 2 donuts... which is $3.70 according to their display board. I hand over $3.70 and get 50 cents back. Now I'm going to blame both the trainee and the Donut King people for this. Their board clearly says "small = $3.20", "regular = $3.70". The other day when I ordered a regular Cappucino, I got one in a large mug, which was correct, oh and by the way, I was served by someone who HAD been working there more than 5 minutes. Someone obviously hadn't told lil miss Trainee McJobber the difference between "small" and "regular". On top of getting a "small" Cappucino, lil miss Trainee McJobber obviously hasn't had to make that many Cappucinos, because she overfilled it and a lot of it ended up in the saucer while I was moving it from the service counter to the table I sat at.
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