Pepsi Samba
I'm pretty sure this is one of those limited edition things, but I decided to try Pepsi Samba when my housemate got a bottle of if the other day. It's billed as "Tropical Flavoured Cola" on the label. It's the usual Pepsi colour, which, even though it appears to be black, is actually a dark red.

The flavour of it is...well...not exactly Tropical by any stretch of the defintion. In fact, I don't even recognise this as tasting much like Pepsi, either. On further tasting it seems to be something reminiscent of a mixed spirit-and-coke drink, but I'm not sure if it's rum or bourbon. (Bearing in mind, I drink neither rum nor bourbon.) It's a bit of an icky taste, to be honest.
I'm about as inspired by this as I was by Pepsi Blue when that came out (which was supposed to be a berry flavoured cola), i.e. Not Very! 1.5 swigs out of 5!

The flavour of it is...well...not exactly Tropical by any stretch of the defintion. In fact, I don't even recognise this as tasting much like Pepsi, either. On further tasting it seems to be something reminiscent of a mixed spirit-and-coke drink, but I'm not sure if it's rum or bourbon. (Bearing in mind, I drink neither rum nor bourbon.) It's a bit of an icky taste, to be honest.
I'm about as inspired by this as I was by Pepsi Blue when that came out (which was supposed to be a berry flavoured cola), i.e. Not Very! 1.5 swigs out of 5!
PEPSI!!!! not really my cuppa tea.... Funny story about that; I poured my young step brother (10yo) a glass of pepsi while at a family doo.... And after giving it to him ang going away to hang out with the aunties he came up to me with a few mouth fulls out of it and said "lee, this coke is flat" (I neither drink coke nor accept is as any type of drinkable fluid.... But that's what pepsi is..... Flat coke!!!!!)
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