Frosty's Chipolata and Potato Frittata...
I came up with this recipe idea today while most of the housemates are away for the weekend. I'd vaguely toyed with making a frittata once before, while the last edition of Big Brother's Friday Night Games for 2005 was playing on TV. Granted I didn't have much to put in it, and what ended up in it was a combination of onions and cocktail franks and knackwurst sausage. This time I had a craving for one, and was told before my housemate left, that if I wanted to cook with potatoes, i should just go for it because we "had heaps". So anyway, pressing on, here's the recipe:
Ingredient things:
8 Tomato and bacon Chipolatas
2 small onions
2 medium sized potatoes
6 eggs
Milk (about 3/4 cup)
Garlic Squeeze
Salt and Pepper to taste
Shredded Tasty Cheese
Butter for cooking
Method For Slapping it all together:
(You can prepare all the ingredients ahead of time, I did, and it makes the preparation of it all easier in the long run.)
1: Peel and cut the potatoes into smallish (1 inch or so) chunks, and cover them with water. Add a pinch of salt and bring them to the boil. The smaller you cut your chunks, the quicker they will boil, and there's only 2 potatoes anyway.
2: Peel and slice the onions. I always peel the onion, then slice it in half, then half again, and then slice one half of the onion at a time.
3: Fry up the chipolatas (or grill them if you're overly nerdy and health conscious). Once they are cooked, slice them up into half inch pieces.
4: When the potatoes are cooked, half-mash them up. You don't want the chunks to still be whole, but you don't want mashed potatoes either.
5: Melt some butter in the frying pan and add the onions, cooking them until they are softened and slightly brown.
6: Add the sliced chipolatas to the onions and stir them around. If you find your frying pan is getting too full after adding the chipolatas, as I did, you might need to take a few spoonfuls out and save them for another dish.
7: Add some Garlic Squeeze to taste. The thing I like about Garlic Squeeze is that it saves you the trouble of chopping garlic, and it's handy to have in the fridge.
8: Add in the potatoes, which, if they are cold, you will need to separate them through the mixture. Add a little bit more butter to taste, depending on how buttery you like your potatoes.
9: In a bowl or measuring jug, break 6 eggs and add 3/4 of a cup of milk, stirring it all into an egg mixture, making sure all the yolks are mixed through. Use a whisk if need be. You can, if you wish, add some pepper to the egg mixture, but I added it to the potatoes and sausage in the frying pan and stirred it through that.
10: When everything in the frying pan is cooked/browned to your satisfaction, pour in the egg mixture, so that it covers everything in the frying pan. You may need to move things around in the frying pan a bit so that the egg mixture gets to the bottom of the pan as well.
11: Turn on your grill to high, and watch the frying pan for signs that the mixture is starting to set. Once the bottom has mostly set, add some shredded cheese to the top of the frittata and then place the frying pan under the grill, making sure you leave the handle sticking out. Grill until the cheese has browned and the top has set and it is bubbling.
12: Turn off the grill, and leave the frittata under it. Prepare a plate, and then remove the frying pan from the grill.
13: Slide the frittata out onto the plate, slice into wedges, and serve!
Here's the cooked Frittata...

And here it is, sliced up and ready to taste!

And how did it taste? Damn good! Because the onions were browned nicely, they give it a nice sweetness, and there's a nice tomato/bacon taste from the chipolatas, too. It would go nicely with a nice salad and some crusty bread.
Of course you can improvise with what to put in it. You can put fresh tomatoes, mushrooms or whatever vegetables you like. You can also experiment with different meat, such as bacon or ham. Essentially a Frittata is an omelette, so there's no limit to how you can make one. I sliced mine into 8 wedges, so it can easily serve 8, or 4 people if they are extra hungry. If all isn't consumed, it would make for a nice breakfast the next morning, whether you decide to warm it up or not.
Having a non-stick frying pan is very helpful too, as you won't want everything sticking to the bottom. The frying pan I was using has lost a bit of it's coating over the years, but I still managed to slide it out onto the plate without any trouble. :) I was so pleased with myself, as usually I fuck omelette-type things up completely...hahaha.
Enjoy! ;)
Ingredient things:
8 Tomato and bacon Chipolatas
2 small onions
2 medium sized potatoes
6 eggs
Milk (about 3/4 cup)
Garlic Squeeze
Salt and Pepper to taste
Shredded Tasty Cheese
Butter for cooking
Method For Slapping it all together:
(You can prepare all the ingredients ahead of time, I did, and it makes the preparation of it all easier in the long run.)
1: Peel and cut the potatoes into smallish (1 inch or so) chunks, and cover them with water. Add a pinch of salt and bring them to the boil. The smaller you cut your chunks, the quicker they will boil, and there's only 2 potatoes anyway.
2: Peel and slice the onions. I always peel the onion, then slice it in half, then half again, and then slice one half of the onion at a time.
3: Fry up the chipolatas (or grill them if you're overly nerdy and health conscious). Once they are cooked, slice them up into half inch pieces.
4: When the potatoes are cooked, half-mash them up. You don't want the chunks to still be whole, but you don't want mashed potatoes either.
5: Melt some butter in the frying pan and add the onions, cooking them until they are softened and slightly brown.
6: Add the sliced chipolatas to the onions and stir them around. If you find your frying pan is getting too full after adding the chipolatas, as I did, you might need to take a few spoonfuls out and save them for another dish.
7: Add some Garlic Squeeze to taste. The thing I like about Garlic Squeeze is that it saves you the trouble of chopping garlic, and it's handy to have in the fridge.
8: Add in the potatoes, which, if they are cold, you will need to separate them through the mixture. Add a little bit more butter to taste, depending on how buttery you like your potatoes.
9: In a bowl or measuring jug, break 6 eggs and add 3/4 of a cup of milk, stirring it all into an egg mixture, making sure all the yolks are mixed through. Use a whisk if need be. You can, if you wish, add some pepper to the egg mixture, but I added it to the potatoes and sausage in the frying pan and stirred it through that.
10: When everything in the frying pan is cooked/browned to your satisfaction, pour in the egg mixture, so that it covers everything in the frying pan. You may need to move things around in the frying pan a bit so that the egg mixture gets to the bottom of the pan as well.
11: Turn on your grill to high, and watch the frying pan for signs that the mixture is starting to set. Once the bottom has mostly set, add some shredded cheese to the top of the frittata and then place the frying pan under the grill, making sure you leave the handle sticking out. Grill until the cheese has browned and the top has set and it is bubbling.
12: Turn off the grill, and leave the frittata under it. Prepare a plate, and then remove the frying pan from the grill.
13: Slide the frittata out onto the plate, slice into wedges, and serve!
Here's the cooked Frittata...

And here it is, sliced up and ready to taste!

And how did it taste? Damn good! Because the onions were browned nicely, they give it a nice sweetness, and there's a nice tomato/bacon taste from the chipolatas, too. It would go nicely with a nice salad and some crusty bread.
Of course you can improvise with what to put in it. You can put fresh tomatoes, mushrooms or whatever vegetables you like. You can also experiment with different meat, such as bacon or ham. Essentially a Frittata is an omelette, so there's no limit to how you can make one. I sliced mine into 8 wedges, so it can easily serve 8, or 4 people if they are extra hungry. If all isn't consumed, it would make for a nice breakfast the next morning, whether you decide to warm it up or not.
Having a non-stick frying pan is very helpful too, as you won't want everything sticking to the bottom. The frying pan I was using has lost a bit of it's coating over the years, but I still managed to slide it out onto the plate without any trouble. :) I was so pleased with myself, as usually I fuck omelette-type things up completely...hahaha.
Enjoy! ;)
We wish to inform you that you have been selected to become apart of The Imperial Emperor Medveds Food Corps.
You start immediately. Please arrange transport to the Really Big Tropical Island With Castle immediately. All travelling costs will be funded from the organisation.
Have a noice doi!
:p Looks extremely edible!
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