Severe Thunderstorms...
On Friday evening, I noticed a rainbow outside my window. I went out to the back deck and snapped a pic.

I then went out to the front deck, to see if there were any itneresting cloud formations. There was this out to the south-west:

As I looked at them I thought that there might be a bit of weather ahead, and on the news they had predicted as such. (But who knows, in my opinion the weather bureau isn't always 100% correct) What looked even more foreboding was about 20 minutes or so later when I looked out the window again and everything outside looked a strange orange colour.

This image hasn't been altered in any way. That's really how it looked out there, and the sky seemed to look like it was glowing.
Sure enough, about an hour or so later, there was a severe thunderstorm warning predicted for our area. The radar didn't look too promising either. There was a LOT of lightning about, and I mean a lot. It looked like there were strobe lights everywhere, and there were rumblings of thunder in the distance. When the storm started to hit us, the wind picked up, and while I was concerned with filming the awesome lightning we were seeing...

At a lot of points during the storm, you could not tell it was night time...

(These pictures are composites of still frames taken from the footage I shot.)
Shortly after the worst of the storm began, the power went out. Unlike the other night when it came back on briefly, it stayed out, and we did not have power until around 5pm last night (Saturday), apart from a short amount of time around 11am, when it came back on for about 15 minutes and then we heard a huge bang nearby and it was out again for the remainder of the day. That night on the news, we learned that 100,000 homes and properties throughout Brisbane were without power at one point, the worst affected areas being Logan and Beenleigh. (Lucky us. NOT!) There were also somewhere around 17,000 lightning strikes, one of which shut down the Beenleigh Police communications centre. For about an hour I had no service on my mobile phone, my display screen telling me that the network was busy. We saw a lot of lightning strikes to the south of us, which were coming straight down, as opposed to staying up in the sky. I was filming on the balcony, until I began to get drenched with rain. Fearing for my camera, I bashed on the front door (which had been closed, and locked) and went inside, and my first words were "FUCK THAT!".
I set the camera on the window sill, and filmed out of the closed window. The rain would have come into the house had it been open, and damaged all sorts of things. Then we heard hail hitting the roof.

This was the biggest hail I had ever seen in my life. Down in Perth, when it hails, it's no bigger than pebble sized. These were almost golf ball sized. After grabbing a plastic bag to shield my camera (and waiting until the hail stopped), I carefully went downstairs to pick up the hail in the above pictures, and also took a picture of the hail in the grass.

Apologies for the blurriness of this picture. As I had the plastic bag around my camera, I could not see the LCD screen to focus the pictures. The one of the hail in my hand and on the chopping board were taken without flash, as they would have been washed out.

(Can't See SHIT!)
The video I took on the 6th I am currently working on editing, and the link for it will be up as soon as possible. I will try and make it as small/downloadable as possible for those of you who read this who are on dialup.
'Til next time,

I then went out to the front deck, to see if there were any itneresting cloud formations. There was this out to the south-west:

As I looked at them I thought that there might be a bit of weather ahead, and on the news they had predicted as such. (But who knows, in my opinion the weather bureau isn't always 100% correct) What looked even more foreboding was about 20 minutes or so later when I looked out the window again and everything outside looked a strange orange colour.

This image hasn't been altered in any way. That's really how it looked out there, and the sky seemed to look like it was glowing.
Sure enough, about an hour or so later, there was a severe thunderstorm warning predicted for our area. The radar didn't look too promising either. There was a LOT of lightning about, and I mean a lot. It looked like there were strobe lights everywhere, and there were rumblings of thunder in the distance. When the storm started to hit us, the wind picked up, and while I was concerned with filming the awesome lightning we were seeing...

At a lot of points during the storm, you could not tell it was night time...

(These pictures are composites of still frames taken from the footage I shot.)
Shortly after the worst of the storm began, the power went out. Unlike the other night when it came back on briefly, it stayed out, and we did not have power until around 5pm last night (Saturday), apart from a short amount of time around 11am, when it came back on for about 15 minutes and then we heard a huge bang nearby and it was out again for the remainder of the day. That night on the news, we learned that 100,000 homes and properties throughout Brisbane were without power at one point, the worst affected areas being Logan and Beenleigh. (Lucky us. NOT!) There were also somewhere around 17,000 lightning strikes, one of which shut down the Beenleigh Police communications centre. For about an hour I had no service on my mobile phone, my display screen telling me that the network was busy. We saw a lot of lightning strikes to the south of us, which were coming straight down, as opposed to staying up in the sky. I was filming on the balcony, until I began to get drenched with rain. Fearing for my camera, I bashed on the front door (which had been closed, and locked) and went inside, and my first words were "FUCK THAT!".
I set the camera on the window sill, and filmed out of the closed window. The rain would have come into the house had it been open, and damaged all sorts of things. Then we heard hail hitting the roof.

This was the biggest hail I had ever seen in my life. Down in Perth, when it hails, it's no bigger than pebble sized. These were almost golf ball sized. After grabbing a plastic bag to shield my camera (and waiting until the hail stopped), I carefully went downstairs to pick up the hail in the above pictures, and also took a picture of the hail in the grass.

Apologies for the blurriness of this picture. As I had the plastic bag around my camera, I could not see the LCD screen to focus the pictures. The one of the hail in my hand and on the chopping board were taken without flash, as they would have been washed out.

(Can't See SHIT!)
The video I took on the 6th I am currently working on editing, and the link for it will be up as soon as possible. I will try and make it as small/downloadable as possible for those of you who read this who are on dialup.
'Til next time,
I especially like the one of the raindrops.
*Eats hail*
I hope we get more rain tonight. And stormies. Can't not have stormies.
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