I play Aardwolf, which is a text based Multi-User Dungeon game. (MUD for short.) It's an RPG type game, in which you gain skills and such, and experience, killing monsters and generally having a fun time while communicating with others around the world.
Anyhoo, today I remorted, meaning that I played through 200 levels of thiefy goodness, and now am going to play as a cleric. Medved over at Emerald Beast screenied my Superheroing and my Remort message...

More bloggy type stuff soon! I PWOMISE!
Anyhoo, today I remorted, meaning that I played through 200 levels of thiefy goodness, and now am going to play as a cleric. Medved over at Emerald Beast screenied my Superheroing and my Remort message...

More bloggy type stuff soon! I PWOMISE!
I shoulda made the screenie do look better, buuuuut you could edit it if you want!
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