The Shirt
My mother (we'll call her Muriel, that's not her real name, but anyway...) and I went out today for a few odds and ends. One of those being a new dial-up modem, as the new PC i built for her doesn't possess serial ports, so she needed a USB modem. Anyway, we wandered through K-Mart, looking for some Velcro cable ties, which we found in the end, and we drifted through the clothes department. Muriel found a jacket that she thought looked nice, and went to try it on, and meanwhile I wandered through the men's section (I'm not a girly clothes type of girl), and found that they had some soccer shirts going for a reasonable price. So I flicked through them to see if they had something in my size, and I found one that was Italian team colours. I would have preferred Brazil, but I wasn't that lucky. At least Italy had actually won the World Cup, so I thought, meh, at least it was semi-cool. (Although it would have been cooler had France won the World Cup instead!)

So anyway, my mum catches up with me, looks at the shirt and typically looks at the "2006" on it and says "Yeah, but in 2 or 3 years you're going to look stupid wearing it", to which I said.. "Not really, people still wear shirts from years ago with dates on them." So she told me to go try it on, and so I did. It fit well, so I went back to find her, and she asked how it was, and I said "good!", so she said she would buy it for me.
We go through the checkout, and continue to shop for a little while, and as we went through the security gate at Woolworths, the gate went off. I figured it was just malfunctioning, as it wasn't doing it to just only me. We shopped, got a roast, and tried looking for fancy bread, but they had run out of the really nice sour dough vienna loaf that we had for Bastille Day last week. So as we went to pay and leave, I had set off the security gate again! I let the cashier inspect the bag and she didn't find anything wrong with it, but the bag still set the gate off. I told her we weren't going anywhere else, because she was worried it would set off other gates, so she just let us go.
About an hour or so after getting home, and installing the new modem, I decided to take the tags off my shirt. That's when I noticed that the K-Mart security tag was still attached to my brand new shirt. No wonder it had set off the security gates! The silly checkout girl forgot to do her job properly and take the tag off my new shirt! I went to show Muriel, who instantly tried to get it off, but with no luck. I got a hold of it, and looked at it, trying to get it off and thinking of how I could get it off without taking it back to K-Mart. Asking Muriel to get me a knife, I tried to attack it, but would have had more luck in bending the knife, so I then asked Muriel to get me a pair of pliers from the garage. After making a big fuss about putting shoes on to walk a couple of feet, she came back with "an assortment" of one pair of cutting pliers, one pair of really BIG pliers, and a pair of vice grips.
I just laughed, because it seemed a bit ridiculous to bring out the vice grips as well. but anyway, after trying to pry apart the security tag as best as I could, I got the big pliers and cut the shaft of the pin that goes into the stupid plastic thingy, hoping that no alarm would go off, or that the thing wouldn't explode. It didn't and now I have my new shirt! And had a good laugh in the process... well, Muriel did, I didn't think it was THAT funny... But, Humorous, nevertheless.
In other news, I will be returning to Brisbane next Thursday. I realise that during the past 3 months there has been a serious lack of posting here at TFP, due to illness and the fact that dialup SHITS me hardcore. When I get back to Brisneyland I will do some major catch-up posts including the trip and other such pursuits.
Frostilicus. :P

So anyway, my mum catches up with me, looks at the shirt and typically looks at the "2006" on it and says "Yeah, but in 2 or 3 years you're going to look stupid wearing it", to which I said.. "Not really, people still wear shirts from years ago with dates on them." So she told me to go try it on, and so I did. It fit well, so I went back to find her, and she asked how it was, and I said "good!", so she said she would buy it for me.
We go through the checkout, and continue to shop for a little while, and as we went through the security gate at Woolworths, the gate went off. I figured it was just malfunctioning, as it wasn't doing it to just only me. We shopped, got a roast, and tried looking for fancy bread, but they had run out of the really nice sour dough vienna loaf that we had for Bastille Day last week. So as we went to pay and leave, I had set off the security gate again! I let the cashier inspect the bag and she didn't find anything wrong with it, but the bag still set the gate off. I told her we weren't going anywhere else, because she was worried it would set off other gates, so she just let us go.
About an hour or so after getting home, and installing the new modem, I decided to take the tags off my shirt. That's when I noticed that the K-Mart security tag was still attached to my brand new shirt. No wonder it had set off the security gates! The silly checkout girl forgot to do her job properly and take the tag off my new shirt! I went to show Muriel, who instantly tried to get it off, but with no luck. I got a hold of it, and looked at it, trying to get it off and thinking of how I could get it off without taking it back to K-Mart. Asking Muriel to get me a knife, I tried to attack it, but would have had more luck in bending the knife, so I then asked Muriel to get me a pair of pliers from the garage. After making a big fuss about putting shoes on to walk a couple of feet, she came back with "an assortment" of one pair of cutting pliers, one pair of really BIG pliers, and a pair of vice grips.
I just laughed, because it seemed a bit ridiculous to bring out the vice grips as well. but anyway, after trying to pry apart the security tag as best as I could, I got the big pliers and cut the shaft of the pin that goes into the stupid plastic thingy, hoping that no alarm would go off, or that the thing wouldn't explode. It didn't and now I have my new shirt! And had a good laugh in the process... well, Muriel did, I didn't think it was THAT funny... But, Humorous, nevertheless.
In other news, I will be returning to Brisbane next Thursday. I realise that during the past 3 months there has been a serious lack of posting here at TFP, due to illness and the fact that dialup SHITS me hardcore. When I get back to Brisneyland I will do some major catch-up posts including the trip and other such pursuits.
Frostilicus. :P
Oooooooh, it's bloo!
I like pizza, and assorted pasta-ry things, so I guess Italy is ok.
I'm not into soccer...
Or any sport for that matter...
Olympic table tennis kicks arse though.
They get so into it.
The hilarity... :P
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