Fantastic Noodles "Xtra Saucy" Peanut Satay Noodles
Have seen these pimped mercilessly on TV the last few weeks so thought I would give them a go.. bearing in mind when I first came to Brisbane the only things i lived on for the first 6-ish months were tinned spaghetti, toasted sammiches and 2 minute noodles, i've since only eaten noodles when i've wanted to as opposed to living on them. they cost me about $1.85 a packet...and I didn't take photos cuz i'm not one for doing foodage reviews..but I will amend this post at a later date and stick photos in (when i get another packet haha). Anyhoo...on with the review...

These noodles come in a big cup. The slogan for Fantastic Noodles is something along the lines of "great taste with authentic asian recipe" or whatever. Truth be told, it's dehydrated noodles in a cup with equally dehydrated flavouring powders and mangy looking dehydrated vegetables. The Xtra Saucy noodles come in a cup as opposed to a packet, with the flavour powder already pre-sprinkled, a sachet of what is labelled as "sauce" but looks a bit like fluoro orange liquid with a bit of oil thrown in. It also comes with a folding plastic fork, which I think is kinda nitfy.. good for college students who may be too poor to own a fork or good for when you take them to work for lunch and then realise "oh fuck, i left the fork at home".

So after removing the plastic lid, I attempt to pull off the paper label on top of the cup. I don't have much luck, as only half the label comes off, namely the glossy part, and i'm left with a cup that still has its paper cover. I'm like "WTF" and just poke my finger through the paper and rip it all off. meanwhile, i'm boiling the kettle with the universal solvent (water). I grin impressivly at the nifty little packagings inside (namely suspicious looking sauce sachet and the fork which is neatly wrapped in plastic) and wait for the kettle to boil, pondering what is exactly inside that sachet of sauce and then figuring out i'm probably better off NOT knowing.

The kettle clicks off, so i pour in the boiling water to the "Fill" line, marked by an indent around the inside of the cup. I'm glad they marked it around the inside as well as the outside... previous meanderings in noodle cup land have found them to be DEVOID of adequate markings and subsequently inadequately prepared noodles, being too watery or not watery enough! According to the packaging, you fill with water to the fill line, cover with the lid and wait 2 minutes, stir, wait another 2 minutes, then add the sauce, stir and enjoy. meantime i also zap myself 2 cheese and bacon pizza pockets in the microwave, so as to have something to go with the noodles, and (i figure) soak up any excess saucy soup stuff. I don't know about how everyone else likes their noodles, but I like mine flavoured, but not overly soupy. Nothing more irritating to me than eating noodles and having the soupy stuff (if you can call it that) be too liquidy and getting it all over yourself. Best noodles I EVER had were Maggi 2 minute Oriental flavour noodles that came with a thick yummy sauce.. however that was about 10 years ago and they've since stopped making them and now it's just noodles with broth...unless you get those obscure indonesian ones that come with like FIVE flavour packagings or the asian ones that don't have any english on the packet (or at best engRish), and you have to decipher the secret picture markings to make your lunch. The best way to make those, btw, is in a saucepan...but I digress and will post my method of noodlery later.

Anyway, after waiting 4 minutes and microwaving my pizza pockets, my noodles are ready. I uncover them and stir, they look a little bit soupy, and smell more or less edible as I put the "sauce" sachet in. good thing I heated the pizza pockets, as it looked like there would be soup to soak up. Anyhoo, I tuck in and by the time i'm done using the 2 pizza pockets as dipping fodder, i've still got soupy stuff in my cup (as well as noodles). So i chow through the noodles and when I get to the bottom I find this satay powder-sludge stuff...meaning that I didnt stir my noodles completely, hence why they were a tad on the soupy side. not to worry, I stir this all through and munch, although the ratio of powder-sludge to noodle is a bit high and it tastes a bit TOO salty for my liking.
But anyway, I'm fed and feeling satisfied, and for those of you who are in the land of Oz and can read this, I recommend Fantastic Noodles "Xtra Saucy" Peanut Satay Noodles! I give them... 3 and a half forks out of 5! For a quick and dirty meal on the go it's a great idea, and I guess someone complained about the whole "my noodles are swimming in crappy tasting hot water, i want SAUCE dammit" thing. Next: Noodles Frostilicus Style ;)

These noodles come in a big cup. The slogan for Fantastic Noodles is something along the lines of "great taste with authentic asian recipe" or whatever. Truth be told, it's dehydrated noodles in a cup with equally dehydrated flavouring powders and mangy looking dehydrated vegetables. The Xtra Saucy noodles come in a cup as opposed to a packet, with the flavour powder already pre-sprinkled, a sachet of what is labelled as "sauce" but looks a bit like fluoro orange liquid with a bit of oil thrown in. It also comes with a folding plastic fork, which I think is kinda nitfy.. good for college students who may be too poor to own a fork or good for when you take them to work for lunch and then realise "oh fuck, i left the fork at home".

So after removing the plastic lid, I attempt to pull off the paper label on top of the cup. I don't have much luck, as only half the label comes off, namely the glossy part, and i'm left with a cup that still has its paper cover. I'm like "WTF" and just poke my finger through the paper and rip it all off. meanwhile, i'm boiling the kettle with the universal solvent (water). I grin impressivly at the nifty little packagings inside (namely suspicious looking sauce sachet and the fork which is neatly wrapped in plastic) and wait for the kettle to boil, pondering what is exactly inside that sachet of sauce and then figuring out i'm probably better off NOT knowing.

The kettle clicks off, so i pour in the boiling water to the "Fill" line, marked by an indent around the inside of the cup. I'm glad they marked it around the inside as well as the outside... previous meanderings in noodle cup land have found them to be DEVOID of adequate markings and subsequently inadequately prepared noodles, being too watery or not watery enough! According to the packaging, you fill with water to the fill line, cover with the lid and wait 2 minutes, stir, wait another 2 minutes, then add the sauce, stir and enjoy. meantime i also zap myself 2 cheese and bacon pizza pockets in the microwave, so as to have something to go with the noodles, and (i figure) soak up any excess saucy soup stuff. I don't know about how everyone else likes their noodles, but I like mine flavoured, but not overly soupy. Nothing more irritating to me than eating noodles and having the soupy stuff (if you can call it that) be too liquidy and getting it all over yourself. Best noodles I EVER had were Maggi 2 minute Oriental flavour noodles that came with a thick yummy sauce.. however that was about 10 years ago and they've since stopped making them and now it's just noodles with broth...unless you get those obscure indonesian ones that come with like FIVE flavour packagings or the asian ones that don't have any english on the packet (or at best engRish), and you have to decipher the secret picture markings to make your lunch. The best way to make those, btw, is in a saucepan...but I digress and will post my method of noodlery later.

Anyway, after waiting 4 minutes and microwaving my pizza pockets, my noodles are ready. I uncover them and stir, they look a little bit soupy, and smell more or less edible as I put the "sauce" sachet in. good thing I heated the pizza pockets, as it looked like there would be soup to soak up. Anyhoo, I tuck in and by the time i'm done using the 2 pizza pockets as dipping fodder, i've still got soupy stuff in my cup (as well as noodles). So i chow through the noodles and when I get to the bottom I find this satay powder-sludge stuff...meaning that I didnt stir my noodles completely, hence why they were a tad on the soupy side. not to worry, I stir this all through and munch, although the ratio of powder-sludge to noodle is a bit high and it tastes a bit TOO salty for my liking.
But anyway, I'm fed and feeling satisfied, and for those of you who are in the land of Oz and can read this, I recommend Fantastic Noodles "Xtra Saucy" Peanut Satay Noodles! I give them... 3 and a half forks out of 5! For a quick and dirty meal on the go it's a great idea, and I guess someone complained about the whole "my noodles are swimming in crappy tasting hot water, i want SAUCE dammit" thing. Next: Noodles Frostilicus Style ;)
No way man. Bbq beef is the way to go. I think that those holy noodle creations deserve at least 4 out of 5. Seriously, stirring the sauce powder completly through makes all the difference. It makes the 'watery shit' turn into golden, or in this case, brown liquid of eden.
So tomorrow after my lesson I think I'll head into the nearest supermarket to purchase a few new flavours. Sounds good to me. (y)
Just tried the roast chicken flavour, pretty bland if you ask me. I'm sticking with the Indon 5 flavour jobbies.
Try for some tasty noodle soup
The peanut one used to be my favourite but i think they stopped selling it :( Does anyone know whats happened to them...
Yup!! I prefer those 5 flavour asian packets, it's a lot more fussing around but the taste is so thick and rich.... Plus if you add some frozen meatballs (campbells cash and carry is the best place to pick up cheap bulk meatballs) to the pan while cooking you've made a cheap and tasty meal
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