Saturday, March 31, 2007


Sunday Art

"Fuzzy" - Charcoal and pastel on paper

Saturday Art Part 2

"fire" - Acrylic on Canvas

"Bushfire" - Charcoal and Chalk Pastel on Paper

Saturday Art Post

Pastel and Charcoal on paper

Watercolour pencils on paper, with light wash

Pastel and Charcoal on paper

Acrylic on Canvas Paper

Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas Paper

Oil Pastel on paper

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Tuesday's Art Post

Abstract #2 - charcoal on paper

Alien Landscape - graphite, charcoal, pastel, colour pencil on paper

Hungry Alien - marker on canvas

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Art Post 1

Poster Markers on Canvas

Poster Markers on Canvas

Ink and Pastel on Paper. This one I ended up titling "Drought", in reference to the water crisis we are having her in South East Queensland... Currently the capacity of our dams has dipped below the 21% full mark, meaning that by the end of next year, the dams will essentially be dry as a bone. Unless of course we get like 3 weeks of solid rain right over the dams... but I don't see that happening any time soon.

Acrylic on Canvas

Art Stuff

I have started back into my hobby of art, partially as therapy and partially as something to keep from boredom...

Art Post 1
Tuesday's Art Post

Saturday Art Post

Saturday Art Part 2

Sunday Art


Thursday, March 22, 2007


What's That Horrible Smell? (Or, The Death Of Frosty's Fan)

On my 24th birthday, I bought a pedestal fan for my room. Being that I'd just moved into a house that didn't have cieling fans, a pedestal fan was in order. (If you live in Queensland, you will know why. Humidity and heat.) This fan has served me faithfully, except in the instance of storms and power blackouts. (Obviously, no power = no fan. This isn't rocket science, people!)

Anyhoo, this evening, I noticed a wierd smell in my room. Thinking it was the batteries that I had put on charge, I unplugged the charger and took out the very hot batteries. About 15 or so minutes later, I could still smell this awful smell, a lovely electrical burny smell wafting through my room. Looking around (which isn't easy to do in the dark), I checked under the desk (as I'm a bit paranoid about my computer shitting itself again) and then realised that the smell was coming from behind me. I put my nose to the fan motor and sure enough, THAT is what was making the smell. I turned it off, and then turned it back onto the setting I usually use (medium) and was greeted with the fan blade turning very slowly. Low and High setting worked ok, but my usual did not.

Alas, as I suspected, my fan was indeed buggered. So after "borrowing" the fan from the lounge room, tomorrow I will have to go out and buy a new fan, as well as finish my end-of-bed clean-up.

It's been a good 4 years and 4 or so months since buying the fan... and to think I had been thinking of buying a new one recently. Guess that was a sign, eh?

Monday, March 12, 2007


The Desk Fan

So I bought a cool little desk fan thing that I thought would be good for my desk, being that the last 2 days has been stinking hot (to say the least). Actually I was at The Warehouse looking for something else, and the first thing you see as you go in the door are all the fans and cooling shit. I spotted this cute as a button 10cm desk fan. I thought it would be perfect for my desk... I could put it on top of my hutch and it would cool my face forever and ever, blah blah blah.

So I bought the little only cost me $12.99. Got it home, plugged it in on my desk... to find that it caused interference with my monitor. (makes it go all wavy and shit) So I think to myself... maybe when I put it on the hutch it would be better. Well today I cleared some space on my hutch (which is covered in dust and lego and stuff) and after much fucking around and a lot of nasty words, I couldn't get the cord past the desk behind my hutch. The desk isn't RIGHT up against the wall, there's about a 1 or so inch gap. Well, said gap isn't wide enough to let a power cord through. I had bought an extension cord today, just in case I needed it.

Well, I rigged up said extension cord, having already thrown one of my torches and apparently killed it (it no longer turns on) in a fit of rage. The next thing I know, the fan itself falls off the hutch, and hits my keyboard. And in doing so, breaks the right leg of my keyboard. The BRAND NEW keyboard that I've had less than a month.

At that point, I was just super pissed and upset and burst into tears. My last FOUR keyboards I have broken legs off. My last four keyboards, have been Microsoft Natural Keyboards. I love these keyboards, they are comfortable once you get used to them, and for the most part, i'm touch typing while using one. My only problem is, I keep breaking the bloody legs, which leads to me needing to rig up make-shift legs through various means. My last keyboard ended up having 2 odd legs from 2 different other keyboards that weren't microsoft keyboards. And even then, I had to alter the legs so they would fit. This time I ripped one of the odd legs off the last keyboard (which is still useable, it just needs cleaning) and put it on, only to find that it made the keyboard uneven.

So, gaffer tape to the rescue!! I cut up some strips of gaffer tape and wound them into a 1 inch-ish wide chunk, that's just about or over half a centimetre thick. I have stuck this under the leg that needed propping up. So now my typing surface is stable.... until I can find a better solution. :(

Frankly, I've had a c**t of a day, it's been hot as fuck, I'm sweaty and tired and I'd much rather just flop out on one of those sunlounge dealies with a tropical drink or twenty and just be fanned by half nekkid Norwegian chicks... (or something)

Anyway, here's my cute little fan... It's virtually just eye candy seeing as where it is it barely reaches me. :(


Project Frostilicus: The Beginning

Today was the intended beginnings of Project Frostilicus.

For a bit of background:

3 weekends ago, I came down with a cold. Friday I felt like complete garbage, but still went out to get tickets for Nine Inch Nails in May. Saturday when I woke up, I found that my back had overnight decided to do it's trick of "fuck you, I'm going to cause you total agony for the next week or so!"

So after a few days of this excruciating pain, on the Monday I caved in and went to the doctor. (I don't go to see a doctor unless I'm in serious pain.) I explained that the pain in my back felt like someone was dragging a razorblade across the base of my spine, and that the pain was travelling down into my knee. So the doctor sent me off for x-rays and a CT scan. I booked in my scan for the next day (Tuesday). I went and had my x-ray and scan (Those gowns they give you to change into leave NOTHING to the imagination.), and made my follow-up appointment for Thursday, as the doctor I go to doesn't work Wednesdays.

Went for my appointment... turns out my back is ok, I just need to lose weight (which I am plainly aware of, and swore to myself that once I was feeling more mobile I would get off my ass and get some exercise). By then this pain had gone into my knee, to the point where it was stopping me from sleeping at night, and no painkiller on earth seemed to touch the achey feeling. So I got sent off for more x-rays, this time of my left knee and left ankle. (I sprained my ankle 2 years ago and stupidly didn't see a doctor about it even though it was painful and swollen for months afterwards.)

Walked back to the x-ray place, which is the same distance as my doctor's is from my house, just in the opposite direction. Got my x-rays done (without having to change into a ghastly gown, thank god!) and then walked back to the doctor's surgery. So there's nothing wrong structurally with my ankle, and what keeps bugging it could just be tendon damage. My knee, however, has a touch of arthritis in it. I'm not even THIRTY yet, and my knee has arthritis. Oh well. Time to whip out the glucosamine and get some more exercise.

So that's the background.

So I thought to myself about exercise. Admittedly, I've been needing to lose weight for a while. But for whatever reason, be it lack of interest or just plain laziness, I didn't bother. I got enough exercise to keep things stable due to walking virtually everywhere. But soon enough, you go and buy new clothes and suddenly you're buying one size up than you used to.

So getting fed up with it, I decided to do something about it. I figured I can not eat as much as I usually do, nix the junk food, and get my ass moving. The only bugger is the climate of this place, which is humid, and right now stinking hot to boot. I've researched a local swimming pool, and as soon as I get some togs, I'll get my ass down there and swim my lil socks off.

All in good time... and after my walk today, I am buggered. This weather really doesn't help. *frowny face*

Friday, March 09, 2007


Another Purist Rant.

I felt like ranting after reading some of the comments on this video which was posted on YouTube. The video is the new Nine Inch Nails video for "Survivalism", from the forthcoming album "Year Zero" (which I am looking forward to, eagerly).

My rant has to do with people who have posted comments such as "this sucks" or "Trent should do more stuff like he did on the downward spiral".

For the record, when Trent did The Downward Spiral, he was really depressed. It shows in the music, as great as it is. And also... bands EVOLVE....and change, as time goes on. Trent writes differently than he did 10 years ago as he has a different perspective, and he as a person has changed. People NEED to realise this more, rather than just stupidly saying that something is shit or it sucks because it doesn't sound anything like their favourite NIN song.

But anyway, what I live the most about Nine Inch Nails is that it is VASTLY different from anything else you hear on the radio these days. And for that I'm thankful, Trent writes what he wants to write, and his fans either like it or they don't... but, no doubt they will still come to see him perform, because there's more to NIN than just a new album.

Green Gargoyle and I are going to see NIN in Brisbane in May, and we are both looking forward to it. This will be the second time I've seen NIN live... and the first for GG ;) should be a lot of fun.

I just wish more people had an open mind when it came to music. Too many people miss out on good music because they tune out, as it's not what they want to hear. Musicians create firstly for themselves, and then for other people. You might not like it, indeed, you don't even have to. But to say that a musician should create something more like something they once did is perfectly stupid.

Anyway...that's my rant for the day.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007


RIP John Inman :(

One of my TV memories from childhood was watching Are You Being Served?, that very funny comedy from the 70's set in a Grace Bros. store in London. One of my favourite characters other than the uptight Mrs Slocombe, was the outrageously effeminate Mr Humphries, played by the one and only John Inman.

Sadly, John Inman died today, aged 71, after battling Hepatitis A for some time.

RIP, Mr Humphries. You will be missed.

"are You Being Served? Actor John Inman Dies